Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Commitment (of sorts) to Healthier Eating

Does a week of "being good" constitute a commitment to healthy eating? I hope so. The fact that D and I are BOTH following Weight Watchers makes for mutual reinforcement . No, we aren't going to meetings; this foray into health is on line, consistent with the times, I suppose. We started on New Years Day.

Usually he's on Atkins which is all about meat, cheese and eggs. I've played around with South Beach which is in no way sustainable for a carb lover like myself. Weight Watchers is a reasonable way to get healthy; it's not about deprivation as much as it is about choices. I like that.

Yesterday we went shopping and spent most of our time in the produce aisle; I suspect that's the point.
D, ever the cook, made two  hearty soups yesterday and is making a duo of other dishes tonight. We'll  be well positioned for a healthy week of eating.

We've yet to dial in the exercise portion of the commitment; somehow it's just too cold and wet out there and there are too many temptations inside the house (surfing the net for me, on-line gaming for him). Both of us know the exercise part is key. Somehow I rather cut back on food and sit still rather than move my body and eat more. Choices. Choices.

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