I don't know how I should feel about receiving my first "senior's discount" at a diner in Marblemount, Washington, a tiny little village along the Skagit River. Denny and I ate there yesterday for lunch. We were on an outing to see the bald eagles who make their migratory path south each winter and spend weeks along the Skagit River feeding on salmon.
When the check came Denny remarked that we got a 10 percent "senior's discount". Yikes! Let's only hope their definition of a senior is someone 50 or older. Otherwise, I'd say we looked weary and worn yesterday, older than usual. I suppose it has to happen sometime.
We did see a few eagles by the way. Gorgeous birds. My pair of binoculars was nothing compared to the telescopes professional birdwatchers had set up. A glimpse through those lenses brought up the image of an eagle perched on the high branch of a pine across the river into sharp view. The eyes, that see with 12 x the acuity of human eyes, were likely staring right back at me.
Factoids: Female bald eagles are larger than males and the lifespan is up to 30 years. Bald eagles mate for life.