Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Little Butter Pot

Ok, ok.....got to admit that Denny's judgment was right on about this impulse purchase a few weeks back when we walked the streets of the touristy waterfront town of LaConner, Washington. Lured into a kitchen shop we browsed through the gadgets and specialty olive oils complete with tasting bar. Nice. Nice.

Then we saw this and he (way, way more than me) was intrigued. "We need one of these.", he advised to a less than enthusiastic me.

This little treasure is all that and more. I admit it, my dear (by the way, he specifically requested that I admit to great skepticism with regard to this purchase), this little crock of a butter pot is the bomb.

I had no idea that for decades I've been eating less than optimal tasting butter. Don't groan but I've been keeping a stick of butter outside of the refrigerator in a silver plated covered butter dish (a wedding gift from waaaay back) and using the butter on everything from corn on the cob to my morning toast. Perfect spreadable temperature. Little did I know but it's been grossing the man out from the beginning of time. If he complained, his words never registered. I have noticed however, that he never uses said slimy butter in the the silver butter dish. Hmmmmm.

Did I know that butter left out oxidizes and turns a different color? No, hadn't noticed. Did I know that butter left out starts tasting different (and according to my husband, rather gross). No, I hadn't noticed. What I did know was that restaurant butter always tastes wonderful. I just figured that my brand at home was inferior grade because it never tasted as bomb.

I've now received an education in what happens to butter "left out", something most people likely have known forever. But with this little pot that holds a stick of softened butter perfectly, restaurant quality butter at room temperature at home is now mine to enjoy. "O frabjous day, Callooh, Callay!"

This century's old technique of keeping butter fresh is quite simple; an airtight seal based on water in the bottom of the crock with the butter placed in place upside down. Say what?  Take note....

Here's a look at the inside of the butter pot. Yum. Spreadable, delicious (and cholesterol laden) butter. I admire those of you who can do without or use a substitute. I go for the real thing.

Where can you get these little butter crocks?  Probably any kitchen store (like we did) but the greatest selection of styles can be found at the original and official Butter Bell Crock site. Want one Ms. Laura?

Anyone want my silver plated covered butter dish which by now qualifies as "near antique"? 

What do you spread on your bread?  Real butter, margarine, alternative butter-like spreads, or nothing?


  1. haha, you do love that new butter device :)

  2. I purchased one of these years ago, never used it and finally gave it away. So they really do work?

  3. I like real butter, too. I knew some people who had this kind of thing, but never had one myself. I keep butter cold in the fridge, but this would be a good idea.

  4. This rang a bell with me but it took a bit of time for me to remember why. We saw a butter crock in a pottery store last summer; it was beautiful and we almost bought it but we weren't sure it really "worked." We are butter users and keep it in the fridge which means it's always hard to spread. Now we have a solution! Thanks, Kate.

  5. Hey, Kate! Guess what?! Ed bought one of these last week after I told him about it on your blog. It is sitting on our kitchen counter! Tonight we ordered another for my friend, Georgia. We ordered daffodil yellow for her. Mine is white! Yum! Now I have a perfect idea for a gift for all those friends who eat butter! Thanks to you and Denny!


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