Monday, December 31, 2007

Goodbye 2007

2007 draws to a close. Another year has passed, another year will arrive. This is my time to look back and to acknowledge the many blessings in my life. Gratitude and thanksgiving underscore my thoughts today as I look ahead to the unfolding of more days, weeks, and hopefully years when opportunities abound for living with intention and passion.

On this, the last day of 2007, I am grateful for.....

Living each day.

For best friend Denny, my two beloved children, my fragile yet loving parents, my sister and brother who live the good times and the hard alongside me, and my wonderful extended family both near and far.

For dear the treasured confidantes both near and far who continue to bring laughter, connection, joy and enlightenment to my life. You know who you are and you are precious to me.

For my health.

For my work.... in which I have finally achieved some balance.

For diversions of all types; great food, drink, outings, natural beauty, pets, blogging, reading, meditation, writing, dreaming, and sleeping.

For my newly found creative energy.

For the challenges ahead.

And lastly, I am grateful for the end of an era of silence, where truth overcomes the power of destructive secrets. Were it not for the four who stand with me, lifting me with the strength of eagle's wings to soar with the healing winds, there would never have been the first tender step. I am eternally grateful and blessed to be surrounded by your collective love and support of me on the journey I must make.

Happy New Year!

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