Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday's Lessons

Things I had to learn (again) today:

1. Never argue with someone suffering from dementia. The playing field isn't level. It's not fair by any stretch of the imagination.

2. Quit being selfish; frustration is understandable but how I express this is totally under my control. Think first. Take a breath and think first before letting words out of my mouth.

3. I have incredible power to hurt with my words; remember this every day.

4. I am part of any problem; sometimes small, sometimes large but always play some role. The role is under my control.


  1. Valuable things to remember. I almost said something this past week-end that I know I would have regretted. I don't always catch myself.

  2. Learning not to correct or argue a point has been one of the most difficult things I have had to learn when dealing with family members with dementia. Sted's geriatric doctor is dealing with the same thing with her grandmother and we keep reminding each other that it doesn't work. So, I've learned to change the topic or walk away for a bit. (most of the time now!) It is really hard! Hang in there!

  3. Oh, Kate. This sounds like you had a tough day. So sorry.

    Good lessons. I hope the day ended with peace and forgiveness.

  4. I found my way here today via the blogosphere. I am glad I did.

    Thank you for the gentle reminders of humanity. I will be back to read more often.

  5. These are good things to remember. I am trying to do the same thing day by day. Very encouraging post :)

  6. very honest, which is the hardest and best, most productive part. Thanks for your courage. Your sharing that helps others too. :-)


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