I'm suffering from a case of extreme ambivalence about blogging. I sold my ticket to the annual Blogher Conference months ago but had a pang of wistfulness knowing that the event took place this past weekend. I've got to reckon with the fact that my ambivalence stems in part from the constant need to edit and clean up what I really want to say. Seems that my mind is in wallow mode where gratitude and optimism evaporate into mist in favor of extreme worry over every aspect of my life. I suffer from lack of faith.
So....what now?
I haven't a clue if there will be a next post or not; probably.
In the meantime, I'll end with a quote (thanks, Queta).........
It may be that when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey."
-- Wendell Berry, American farmer, poet, novelist and essayist
You found a lovely spot in the woods. The Berry quote speaks to me. Two years into the journey it feels to me like the work is unending. Surrender...still working on that.