It's Saturday and I'm preparing for a two day tent camping trip into the North Cascades with Denny. One of our most favorite places in Washington is a campground near Mt. Baker, 40 miles east of Bellingham. When the kids were young we camped in this glorious locale annually, for several years in tents and in later years hauling our sturdy Coleman "pop-up" trailer which offered more amenities like a kitchen, toilet, and shower. As the kids grew older, they (and we to some degree) lost interest in hiking and camping so we let many years pass taking other types of vacations (like cruises across the ocean blue). Now that our children are grown, it'll be just D and me on this camping trip. We're planning a hike, one of the hikes we attempted but never finished back in the day because someone in our foursome (who will remain nameless) wore flip flops instead of tennis shoes and we didn't realize until we exited the car at the trail head some15 miles from the main road. Sigh.We always vowed we'd come back to take that hike "someday".
My favorites when camping? Drinking wine with my feet in the rushing river. Sleeping in the tent with the only sound the river water flowing over stones and boulders twenty yards away. Drinking my morning coffee to the smell of wood smoke and the sound of a crackling fire. Glorious.

I understand there's a bed bug infestation in NYC. Guess that will be my connection back to wilderness and nature.
Quite a contrast.
Loving it.