Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fatherly Advice

The Dad to his daughter as she looks online for marketing/sales jobs......

"Pay close attention to key words and phrases:

"self starter" and "works independently" means you are on your own.

Excellent time management skills means you will be working your ass off.

Excellent phone skills means you will calling people all the time to try to sell them insurance.

Competitive spirit means you will have to love fighting for every sale you make over your competitors.

"ability to earn client trust" means you have to be able to suck clients into buying insurance.

I'm not saying these are bad things, but if you want to get out of the sales field, then this doesn't look like it would fit the bill.

As always, this is just my perspective, and I respect your ability to make whatever decisions you wish to make.

Love ya,


She's looking for a new job and it ain't easy. Fatherly advice is good.

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