Monday, March 24, 2008

Notes to Self

1. Buy some of those small, purse-size packages of kleenex. Yes, the type old ladies carry in their handbags just in case.....thank God I still don't need to buy the plastic rain hat yet, although I have a friend who already does and you know who you are. :)

2. Don't apply too much mascara; perhaps none at all just now.

3. Don't listen to ballads by Whitney Houston while driving to work and especially not "I'll Always Love You".

These tears of mine come from a fountain that is just below the surface, anxious to spring forth with the slightest provocation. I am frequently caught off-guard, unprepared, and overwhelmed by the pain exuding from the lives of my beloved parents and my thoughts are focused constantly on that place, unless I'm distracted. That fact coupled with a healthy dose of not wanting to go to work today after 3 weeks away from the grind made my ride through downtown streets in traffic rather "wet" despite a brilliant orb of light in the morning sky.

This too shall pass.

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