Thursday, October 2, 2008

Three Fortune Cookies

This afternoon I spent time with Mom and Dad. Today's visit was difficult because I couldn't keep up a decent conversation. There was nothing to say. Some days I lack for ideas, spark and energy to keep up the talk. It's tough to admit this but sometimes I want to be anywhere else but there with them. It makes me sad to the bone to feel this way about these two wonderful people, my parents. I love and respect them but each passing day takes away from the persons they once were and it's hard to watch. They are frail mentally and physically and slipping noticeably.

On a lighter note, there's always food when I visit Mom and Dad. After the coffee and pecan balls tossed in powdered sugar, Ms. Adrianna brought out a Costco sized bag of Fortune Cookies. We all took one. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dad put the entire cookie in his mouth.

Mom's fortune was: "You have a wise spirit, an advanced intellect and faith in human nature." (She was pleased with these words.)

My fortune was: "Your golden opportunity is coming very soon." (Sounds good to me!)

And Dad? His fortune got eaten, chewed, and swallowed. I worried about him choking but apparently these fortunes are pretty flimsy and amenable to being eaten without a lot of fuss! We'll just never know.


  1. It's lovely that you spend time with them. Especially because it is hard.

  2. I'm am laughing at the visual of grandfather eating an entire cookies in one bite. =) I'm glad he did not choke on his fortune.

  3. Wonderful. How 'Shirley Keyes Thompson' of Dad to put the whole cookie in his mouth.


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