Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Blogging Live and Learn

Several weeks ago I changed the URL on my blog to match the name of the blog, Ahead of the Wave. Well, live and learn. I knew something was wrong when my posts never appeared on my Google Reader and when comments dried up as if no one was getting the feeds. Mess Up! I figured out the problem and I hope it's now fixed. I couldn't begin to explain what happened but after an hour or so of trying this and that with Feedburner, I believe it's gonna be OK.

Hope ya'll (my Texas roots) will keep reading!

Enjoy the photo of a bed of absolutely lovely cool weather ground cover that does very well in soggy, cool Seattle in the winter. Beautiful colors.


  1. I have been checking bloglines all evening, and after dinner I saw that all of your "new" posts were accounted for. Yippee! And good for you for figuring out how to fix the feed.

  2. This is a very beautiful picture. I am glad you figured out the problem with the blog! Have fun writing!


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