Thursday, April 8, 2010

I Fell Asleep Watching The Buddha

For weeks I've saved the page torn from one of Mom's magazines advertising a PBS show airing on Wednesday night April 7, 2010. The Buddha: His Life, His Journey, His Awakening. Don't forget to watch I'd remind myself whenever I caught a glance of the torn page on my dresser. Don't forget.

I didn't forget. I got showered and in to bed, turned on the TV and started to watch. Great program. Two hours. Shortly into the second hour, just as the secrets to banishing suffering forever were about to unfold, I drifted off into a blissful sleep, awakening with about 10 minutes left in the show.

This morning I complained to Denny, "I fell asleep during The Buddha."

"Well", he remarked, "he gave you peaceful sleep."

Sigh. He's right. That sleep that comes when you're trying so hard not to let it overtake you, when you're trying to stay connected (usually to the TV), is sweet. Very sweet.

The good news is: the web site has a replay feature and I can watch it again. This time, I'll stay awake. Awake? That's the goal, apparently.


  1. Nice to know you can go back and watch it all the way through...

  2. Isn't it ironic? Maybe we need a restful sleep before we can be truly awake.


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