Sunday, November 9, 2008

Arrivederci Firenze

Goodbye Florence. This is our last evening in the city and the bags are just about packed for the long journey home. We will awaken early tomorrow morning to catch a taxi to the airport, a flight to Amsterdam and then on to Seattle. Leaving is turning out to be one of the more difficult things I've had to do in a long while. While I'm totally ready to get back to more familiar surroundings and sleep in my own bed, bidding goodbye to Laura seems tougher by the minute. When she left in early September, I knew that a trip fairly soon was in our future. Now the time looms long as I think about the next five plus months apart. I may have to come back!

The last few days have been busy. Friday we spent in Florence; exploring the area south of the Arno River, near the Pitti Palace and through the Boboli Gardens. In the afternoon, Laura and I scoured the stores for brown boots. There were lots of options; she finally found just the right pair; my treat. All the women are wearing stylish boots over jeans and the Pashmina scarves are everywhere now that the weather has turned cool.

Saturday we took a train to the small, quaint walled city of Lucca west of Florence. We rented bicycles and "rode the wall" which is a popular way to see the city. After a glass or two of wine with lunch, biking felt a bit odd but was great nonetheless. The quiet of lovely Lucca, compared to Florence, was as calming as a yoga class. No vespas! And as pedestrians and bikers, we were treated well. I could spend some quality time in Lucca; highly recommended.

Today, our last day, was a bit frenetic as we tried to figure out how to navigate through a stressful period of time. The anticipation of saying goodbye and making the most of the "last moments" together was a blend of the bitter and the sweet. The day was crystal clear,beautifully accentuating the stucco colors against a brilliant backdrop. Today was about shopping; in the upscale stores (Laura) and through the endless stalls of the San Lorenzo Market (me). We enjoyed an early dinner as the midnight blue of evening descended, the moon and Venus high above. I thought about the "day blind" stars (and moon) over Seattle today as dusk caught us up in her magic.
Goodbye Florence. A wonderful 10 days spent with our youngest. Thanks to all back home who kept up with the pace of life.


  1. Welcome home Kate. Thank you for posting about your was fun to live vicariously through you.

    And now you can easily visualize Laura in Firenze for the next few months while she is there.

  2. It's always hard to say good-bye. Let the memories carry you for awhile. And as Kathleen said, now you can "see" where Laura is. It won't be the same, but it might help.

  3. I know it must be hard to be home and have Laura in Florence. You will get through this time and she has been given a wonderful gift. Your love for her shines.


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