Thursday, February 7, 2008

What the F___

This my second post in the same day; a first for me but at least it's on the same subject, one of my favorite movies: Risky Business. So pumped up am I after writing about love on a real train that I'm now recalling my absolute favorite lines from the movie. If the clip on YouTube that I posted earlier today is all about "no words" (one of Miss Laura's favorite phrases), this one is all about the power of words.

Here goes.....

Miles, a geeky but wise contemporary of Joel advises his friend about matters of life.....

"Sometimes you gotta say what the fuck.....

Every now and then say what the fuck.
What the fuck brings you freedom.
Freedom brings opportunity.
Opportunity makes your future."

And so it is. Take a risk, make your move, give it your all, go out on a limb and saw it off, get going, make tracks, live each moment, carpe diem, have fun, push on, dream, reach for the stars, just do it, let go of the trapeze bar and hang in the void until you catch the next bar. Also, watch this movie!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. I loved the movie too. When Sally and I first saw it years and years ago, we went immediately to buy a tape of the sound track and there was no tape to buy. I'll put the movie on my Netflix list.


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