Text messaged conversations are great blog fodder, particularly when my son cooperates and lets me transcribe the messages verbatim off his phone.
Context: Chris is asking his house-mate Bernard, who happens to be cooking up a feast for Sunday night dinner if he can invite one more to the event.....his sister Laura's out-of-town guy-friend, 'C.P.' This Sunday night meal is a regular at Chris's townhouse shared with 5 other guys. The number of guests varies from week to week; some are the hard core regulars and others drop in when they can. Laura's been joining in on the event for weeks now and has come away saying, "It's so much fun; these people have things to talk about. I love it." I say, "it's a good".
Anyway.....back to the texting....
Chris: "Hey bro, do we have room for one more person tonight?
Bernard: "That's fine; that person makes 11 for dinner tonight. Who is it?"
Chris: "Laura's friend, 'C.P.'"
Bernard: "He ain't the dude from the gym is he?"
The guys in Chris's house have been counseling Laura to keep her distance from any guys employed by the gym she goes to 5 days a week. They have reason to believe these guys, and one in particular is "sketch" but we won't go into details here. They're just "trying to look out for my sister", Chris will say.
Chris: "Ha Ha. No, it's somebody from Gonzaga. He's cool."
Bernard: "Good, cuz I'd cut his ass."
Love it. Love it. Love it. All this on the way to see the Blue Angels on Sunday afternoon, the car laden with the energy of 3 twenty-somethings.It's nice to know that older brother, Chris is looking out for his sister and has recruited all the guys in his house to do the same. As for Laura, although she might not admit it, she probably appreciates that they care. We all had a good laugh about this little conversation including Laura's friend, C.P. Poor guy was likely feeling a bit tense about showing up at Bernard's table having to prove he wasn't the "guy from the gym".

** photos taken and posted (without permission) at the Blue Angels air show. First photo: C.P., Laura, and Chris enjoying lunch and second photo: a view of Laura watching the Blues.
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