Family gatherings are alive with mystery and magic. This past weekend, now come and gone, was packed with small moments of the unexpected, the snippets of joy, the challenge of coordination, and the overwhelming, but comforting feeling that we
belong to a bigger whole. I always wonder if what we just experienced will be
the last of its kind. How can we not ask the inevitable question as time marches by, changing us all in small and large ways? Who will be ready to gather for the next big family event? Who will be the newest members and who will move on to become the senior most members? Such is the nature of families and living.
As I continue to feast on (slightly dry) but delicious cupcakes left over from the 91st Birthday Party, I relive some of the special moments. My camera took plenty of still (and blurry) photos but the video clip of the "Happy Birthday" song, the candles, and the comments that Dad struggled to say to his wife of 67 years will remain in my memory. The video option on my camera didn't cooperate and there was nothing there when I went to

review the captured images. Those were precious moments as all (maybe not the babies) shared the collective knowledge that this might well be the last time. I don't think of this as morbid; it's a fact. We are blessed to have whatever we have and cherish it, we must.
We are back to a less hectic pace for a bit. But, we'll be on to the next thing soon. Life never sleeps for long. Would we have it any other way?
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