This is August 1st. What's the deal with these red leaves popping out on my favorite bank of trees along Viewmont? This group of three are always the "early birds" among the deciduous to shed their summer green. The few crimson leaders flaunt their contrasting yellow green veins with dramatic boldness. I can't help but give the trees my attention as my mind does a fast forward into autumn.
It won't be long before the mid-day light, shining through a partly sunny day within the next week or so will suddenly seem
different, shifted, changed. It happens quickly, without warning. I've never been able to put words to the mystery so obvious to the eye but mute to the tongue. It just is.
Here in mid-coast Maine we are beginning to see the odd leaf turning color, too. I'd like to get in a few more hot, sunny days before I have to think about the coming of autumn, although it is my favorite season.