Well, it's Sunday, the core of the BlogHer Conference is past history. I have a big chunk of day to spend in San Francisco before my flight home. I'm not sure what's on the agenda; my Macy's discount coupon attracts but so do the sights. There's a Macy's at home. I'm tempted to sit with my computer and write all day but know that I can do that at home as well. San Francisco beckons.
I'll probably walk the streets and maybe summon the (physical) courage to hill climb back to Grace Cathedral and walk the labyrinth again. MM and I did just that on Thursday, our pre-conference day in the city. I hadn't given Grace Cathedral a thought when I decided to attend BlogHer but must admit that their web site has been on my Bookmark List longer than almost any other URL. It wasn't until I looked at a street map provided by the hotel that I realized that Grace Cathedral was only a half mile away (but mostly all uphill). That adventure, plus a fabulous (taxi powered) trip to Golden Gate Park with stops at The Conservatory of Flowers, the Botanical Gardens, and the Japanese Tea Garden made the day until the "newbie mixer" of first time BlogHers on Thursday evening.
I'm a bit buzzed out on all I've learned/heard from this conference. I need to sit quietly and think, read my notes and check out the blog sites of the dozens of women who gave me their business cards. I hope some will check out my site as well; I guess that's the point. I'm leaving with some ideas and a ramped up curiosity about the many ways to proceed from where I am. Endless options, these.
For now though, I need coffee. Yes, another migraine at dawn today; par for the course with all the rich food and the mixed drinks (yes: mixed....champagne, followed by white wine, followed by some kind of vodka-creme with cocoa/chipotle dust on the rim of the shot glass) at the Macy's closing event last night. Too much, way too much. Caffeine, imitrex, and aspirin (the trinity) will come through for me.
The Macy's event last night was wild and crazy; 1000 plus women and some men (spouses/dates could buy a ticket) took over four floors of the store, areas roped off in the midst of paying customers. No handbag, designer shoe, lingerie, or furniture purchases for the masses last night; we bloggers had those areas of the store under wraps. I took tons of photos but alas, neglected to bring my cable to upload photos from my camera on to my blog. But, as you can see, I've added a few now.
For now, I'm thinking caffeine (we are out the door soon to have breakfast) and what my day in S.F. will look like. These are the final threads of my time away. Tonight, I'll plop right back into the daughter, mother, doctor roles (seamlessly? I don't think so.) internally kicking and screaming. I don't much like it. That's the thing about mini-vacations; they END and I have to go back.
This is reason to walk the labyrinth today; an opportunity to reflect and to prepare for the next wave.
What a memorable weekend we share and we have almost endless leads and contacts to follow up on. Truly exciting. Thanks for being there with me. Loved it.